Friday, November 25, 2011

How to Know and Identify Respiratory Distress Syndrome

Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS) is the disturbance of breathing that usually happen to the infants who have been just born. however RDS seldom happens to the baby but it usually occurs to the premature infant who are usually born in 6 weeks earlier. 

Respiratory Distress Syndrome usually happens to the premature infants because their lungs could not make enough surfactant. surfactant itself is liquid that  covers part of inside their lungs. that surfactant liquid is used as the way in order the lungs can function breath normally by inhaling enough air since they are born.

Without any enough surfactant liquid, infants will force their lungs work hard to inhale the air. How about using extra oxygen  that we can find in many stores.? well, using extra oxygen from the store, it will not be useful because it will not enough help and support their organs well. where as we have known that lack of oxygen will destroy infants brain and other organ of their body if they are not special treated well. 

How to Identify the Infants whose  Respiratory Distress Syndrome

Most of premature infants undergo this respiratory distress syndrome. to identify whether the infants have syndrome of respiratory distress or not, it can be see 24 hours after being born. if the infants still have respiratory disorder, they can be diagnosed with Displasia Bronchopulmonary or it is well-known with  BPD that usually used to diagnose a serious lung condition by giving oxygen through nasal prongs, a mask, or a breathing tube. However when the premature infants given oxygen through nasal prongs will have more risk in lungs destruction than normal baby, it is caused by the limitation of  the blood vessels in the lungs so that  the airbags and blood vessels will be less or smaller than normally baby's airbags and blood vessels.

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